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История Соединенных Штатов Америки

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Highslide JSПредставляем вашему вниманию виртуальную выставку «История США». Эта выставка поистине уникальна, так как она состоит из книг-оригиналов, которые были любезно переданы в дар библиотеке директором Лингвистического института Э.  Е.  Курляндом из личного собрания.

Знакомство с этими книгами поможет вам глубже узнать страну, чья история не похожа ни на какую другую, они читаются как приключенческий роман, повествующий о невероятных и увлекательных событиях. Земля мечты, земля надежды, которая стала домом для иммигрантов со всего света — авантюристов, золотоискателей и просто искателей лучшей доли.

Выставка включает в себя несколько разделов:

 История Америки (XV - XX вв.)

 Рождение нации

 Религия в США

 Политика и политические деятели

История Америки (XV - XX вв.)

Соединенные Штаты Америки появились на политической карте мира сравнительно недавно, однако за два с половиной столетия своего существования эта страна сделалась основным игроком, потеснив многих "колоссов прошлого". О том, как осваивали Американский континент, как имперские колонии сражались за независимость и воевали за права человека, как создавалось и приумножалось национальное богатство и как появились на свет Соединенные Штаты Америки - обо всем этом и о многом другом вы узнаете в этом разделе.

Highslide JS An American Portrait : [A History of the United States. Vol. 1] / D. Burner [и др.]. - New Jersey : Perspectives and Revisionary Press, 1982. - [16, 16, 32], 331, 688-707, [12] p. : ill.


Highslide JS An American Portrait : [A History of the United States. Vol. 2] / D. Burner [и др.]. - New Jersey : Perspectives and Revisionary Press, 1982. - [64], 295-707, [12] p. : ill.

Textbooks have led generations of students into the comfortable illusion that a single history book can summarize the nation's past. As historians know, it is impossible to resurrect the past exactly. In the reconstruction of events we rely on written records, along with some art objects and physical remains. Yet few occurrences are even recorded in writing. Many documents, moreover, are lost, and the historian can never be certain of having seen every manuscript; or bias, of the person who wrote it the time in which it was written. To these documents the historian brings his or her own bias.


Highslide JS Bailey, Thomas A. The American pageant : a history of the Republic / Th. A. Bailey, D. M. Kennedy; [ed. by L. Halvorson] . - 8th ed. - Lexington [etc.] : D. C. Heath and Company, 1987. - XXII, 949, XXXV, [21] p. : ill.

Traces the history of the United States from the arrival of first Indian people to the present day.


Highslide JS Boorstin, Daniel J. A History of The United States / D. J. Boorstin, B. M. Kelley with R. F. Boorstin. - Needham : Prentice Hall, 1990. - [8], T148, 891 p. : ill. - (Annotated Teacher's Edition : ATE).

A History of the United States' well-told story and expanded program are designed to address your changing curriculum and classroom needs. Author Daniel Boorstin Librarian of Congress Emeritus, and winner of the Bancroft, Parkman, and Pulitzer prizes tells the story of American history in an engaging style that reaches today's students.


Highslide JS Chesterton, Cecil. A history of the United States / C. Chesterton; edited, with introduction and notes. by D. W. Brogan. - London : New York : J. M. Dent & Sons LTD. : E. P. Dutton & CO. INC., 1943. - 358, 4 p. - (Everyman's Library. 965).

Mr. Chesterton writes a wonderful account of the Country of the United States for those of us who would read and then reread his work here. So much information and wonderfully presented. I interject here to attest to the content and presentation commented on by others. This is History at it's best. Mr Chesterton has interjected his own opinions and experience as an accomplished historian and it is every enhanced by his views. A great accomplishment. Not just another book of events and dates, but rather an interesting read about the lives of people and why events occurred the way they did.


Highslide JS Encyclopedia of American history / ed. by R. B. Morris. - New York : Harper & Brothers, 1953. - 776 p. : ill.

This American History book was written by Richard B Morris and published by Harper and Row in 1961 It is in encyclopedia form, and a wonderful book for the history buff in your life. The revised edition of the "Encyclopedia of American History" updates this indispensable and classic reference book to cover the history of the United States from pre-Columbian times. Unequaled in the amount of information contained within a single volume, and designed to be read as a narrative, the "Encyclopedia" chronicles all the essential facts of American history, from government and politics to science, thought and culture.


Highslide JS Manchester, William. The glory and the dream : a narrative history of America 1932-1972 / W. Manchester. - [7th print.]. - Toronto [etc.] : Bantam Books, 1980. - 1398 p.

This great time capsule of a book captures the abundant popular history of the United States from 1932 to 1972. It encompasses politics, military history, economics, the arts, science, fashion, fads, social change, sexual mores, communications, graffiti - everything and anything indigenous that can be captured in print.


Highslide JS McCullough, David. 1776 / D. McCullough. - New York : Simon and Schuster Paperbacks, 2005. - 386 p., [17] L ill. - (The #1 National Bestseller).

America’s beloved and distinguished historian presents, in a book of breathtaking excitement, drama, and narrative force, the stirring story of the year of our nation’s birth, 1776, interweaving, on both sides of the Atlantic, the actions and decisions that led Great Britain to undertake a war against her rebellious colonial subjects and that placed America’s survival in the hands of George Washington. In this masterful book, David McCullough tells the intensely human story of those who marched with General George Washington in the year of the Declaration of Independence—when the whole American cause was riding on their success, without which all hope for independence would have been dashed and the noble ideals of the Declaration would have amounted to little more than words on paper.


Highslide JS The national experience : a history of the United States / J. M. Blum [etc.]. - 4th ed. - New York [etc.] : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977. - XXII, 905 p. : ill.


Highslide JS Taking sides : clashing views on controversial issues in American history. Vol. 1. The colonial period to reconstruction / ed., sel. and introd.: E. Kuzirian; L. Madaras. - 2nd ed. - Guilford : The Dushkin Publishing Group, 1987. - XIV, 382 p.

This reader, designed to introduce students to controversies in American history, covers topics such as Industrial Revolution, Pearl Harbor, and the influence of the civil rights movement on race relations.


Highslide JS Tindall, George Brown. America : a narrative history. Vol. 2 / G. B. Tindall, D. E. Shi. - 6th ed. - New York : W. W. Norton & Company, 2004. - XV, 713-1512, А151 p., [3] l. m. : ill, map., tab. Glossary: p. A1 - A40.

The Sixth Edition of America will draw students in with its rich narrative and then make sure they get the important points with its helpful pedagogy. Thoroughly revised, this edition introduces many new discussions on the theme of work in American life. Carefully integrated into the narrative, these sections cover the social, cultural, and political history of work throughout the course of American history. Ranging from maritime work in colonial New England through the experiences of Indian laborers in the Spanish missions of California, and on to slave women, Mother Jones, and the ongoing shift to service-sector jobs, America, Sixth Edition, gives students a compelling narrative enriched with the presence of this broad and important theme


Highslide JS Wissler, Clark. Indians of the United States / C. Wissler; ed. by L. W. Kluckhohn. - revisions edition. - New York : Anchor Books, 1966. - 384 p. : ill.

A revision of Wissler's authoritative study, this volume traces the history of the American Indian from prehistoric times to the present. It gives a broad survey of the tribes and cultures of all the great Indian language families.


Рождение нации

«Мы сплоченные вокруг идеалов, которые выводят нас за пределы наших устоев, превозносят нас над нашими же интересами и вкладывают в нас понимание того, что означает быть гражданином.» Дж. Буш

В раздел вошли самые значительные произведения, позволяющие воссоздать картину становления нации. Американская нация — миф это или реальность, вы решите сами.

Highslide JS Brinkley, Alan. The unfinished nation : a concise history of the American people / A. Brinkley; [publ.: J. Vaicunas]. - 2nd ed. - Boston [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, 1997. - XXX, 949, A-39, SR-72, IC-1, I-51 p. : ill. - (Overture Books).

Known for its clear narrative voice and impeccable scholarship, Alan Brinkley's best-selling survey text invites students to think critically about the many forces that continually create the Unfinished Nation that is the United States. In a concise but wide-ranging narrative, Brinkley shows the diversity and complexity of the nation and our understanding of its history--one that continues to evolve both in the events of the present and in our reexamination of new evidence and perspectives on the past. This sixth edition features a new series of Patterns of Popular Culture essays, as well as expanded coverage of pre-Columbian America, new America in the World essays, and updated coverage of recent events and developments that demonstrates how a new generation continues to shape the American story.


Highslide JS Foundations of American nationalism : student manual. - [Oklahoma City] : University of Mid-America, 1978. - 146 p. : ill.

This book is a collection of historical documents, letters, and addresses from the period. Its organization is topical, including units on nationalism, government by compact, federalism, methods of limiting government, economics, and foreign policy. Its organization is parallel to the organization of the student manual; the two books are designed to be read together. The anthology will provide you with the source documents for the study of this period. Many of the writings are classic documents in the history of America.


Highslide JS Graff, Henry F. The Free and the Brave : the Story of American People / H. F. Graff. - Revised Edition. - Chicago : Rand M. Nally & Company, 1970. - 754 p. : ill.

Even though the book was written a couple of decades ago, its content is very worth reading, more than any other books written on American history. The book described those earlier explorers who came ashore on the continent including the Vikings before Columbus was said to have discovered America. Also interesting in reading the book is those description of native Indian people's life-style and their religious ideas before their reservations were establishe by the US Government. We recommend this book to those who are seriously.


Highslide JS Kutler, Stanley. Looking for America : the people's history. V.1. To 1865 / S. Kutler. - 2nd ed. - New York : W. W. Norton & Company, 1979. - 477 p. : ill.


Highslide JS Kutler, Stanley. Looking for America : the people's history. V. 2 . Since 1865. - 2nd ed. - New York : W. W. Norton & Company, 1979. - 528 p. : ill.

In two volumes this work provides a wealth of primary source material on all aspects of the American experience, lived by ordinary people, seen though their eyes, and offered here in their own words. For it is as much the common people as it is their leaders who make history. Without understanding their fears, frustrations, struggles, and joys, history is nothing but a dry cavalcade of facts, punctuated with a few wars, a lot of elections, and too many recessions. But here we have accounts from the people who fought the wars and those who stayed at home, the people who suffered the consequences of the recessions. And much more. Looking for America is truly a people's history – an indispensable aspect of all American history courses. This new edition builds upon the success of the first by adding many enlightening, sometimes poignant, documents and illustrations. Section headings: The Colonial Period: New People in a New World; The American Revolution and the New Nation; A Nation on the Move, 1790-1854; The Economy and Social Organizations, 1812-1854; Slavery, Racism, and Abolitionism; Conflict and Division, 1854-1865; After the War: The Freed Slaves and Reconstruction.


Highslide JS Making America : the society and culture of the United States / edited by L. S. Luedtke. - 4th print. - Washington : United States Information Agency, 1988. - 393 p., [18] ill., portr., map. - (Forum Series).

In this richly interdisciplinary work twenty-eight of the nation's leading critics and scholars offer a comprehensive exploration of American society and culture. Each outstanding in his or her own field, the contributors address "America" from a diversity of disciplines, personal histories, regions, and political perspectives. Making America is a dynamic account of the American experience, from matters of landscape, immigration, and urbanization; to manners, literature, and the arts; social organization and values; religion, science, philosophy, and law. An introduction and twenty-six skillfully written chapters combine historical developments with critical analyses in a broad portrait of the United States. Taken in sequence, the essays will provoke readers to experience the still-evolving society and complex cultures of the American people. Since the chapters are equally valuable when considered individually, the construction of this volume also encourages selective reading. Refreshingly accessible, Making America is essential for students and scholars across the field of American Studies and for general readers concerned with cultural literacy. Each chapter includes an extensive descriptive bibliography for those who wish to explore particular topics in more depth. In addition, a fine selection of maps, paintings, and photographs illustrate the intricate structure of American life.


Highslide JS Munching on existence : contemporary american society through literature / ed. by R. Gliner, R. A. Raines. - New York : The Free Press, 1971. - XI, 465 p.


Highslide JS Nation of nations : a narrative history of the American Republic. Vol. 1. To 1877 / J. W. Davidson [et al.]. - New York [etc.] : McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1990. - XXIII, 640 p., A.81 : ill.

Known for its friendly narrative style and careful blending of political and social history, Nation of Nations offers a balanced approach to teaching the American history survey course. The story presented by the authors reflects their belief that the American past can only be fully understood when linked to events worldwide. As a result of this view, Nation of Nations has become the leader in the integration of global material, done in a sensible and thoughtful way. This sixth edition features expanded coverage of environmental and pre-colonial history by new coauthor Brian DeLay, as well as a completely redesigned map program, additional After the Fact content, and a new online version of the popular Primary Source Investigator.


Highslide JS Oates, Stephen B. Portrait of America. Vol. 2. From Reconstruction to the Present / S. B. Oates, C. J. Errico. - 8th ed. - Boston : New York : Houghton Mifflin Company, 2003. - XV, 451 p. : ill., portr.

PORTRAIT OF AMERICA is an anthology of essays written by some of America's most eminent historians. The collection maintains a loose biographical focus. The essays in this secondary-source reader humanize American history by portraying it as a story of real people with whom students can easily identify. More than 25 percent of the essays in the Tenth Edition are new, many from books that have been nationally and internationally recognized for their insight, accuracy, and timeliness, ensuring that the readings continue to be provocative and trustworthy. Each selection is preceded by an introduction for context, and a helpful glossary identifies important individuals, events, and concepts. Study questions follow each selection, prompting students to make comparisons between the readings.


Highslide JS A people and a nation : a history of the United States. Vol. 1. To 1877 / M. B. Norton [et al.]. - 2th ed. - Boston [etc.] : Houghton Mifflin Company, 1986. - XV, 448, A-42, C-1, I-17 p.

A PEOPLE AND A NATION is a best-selling text offering a spirited narrative that tells the stories of all people in the United States. The authors' attention to race and racial identity and their inclusion of everyday people and popular culture brings history to life, engaging readers and encouraging them to imagine what life was really like in the past.


Highslide JS Roberts, Randy. American experiences. Volume 2. 1877 to the present / R. Roberts, J. S. Olson. - Glenview : Scott, Foresman and Company, 1986. - 325 p. : ill. - (Readings in American history).

This diverse and distinctive collection of secondary sources, written by a variety of authors, emphasizes social and cultural history. Each article illuminates the complexity and richness of the nation's past by focusing on the people themselves - how they coped with, adjusted to, or rebelled against America. The readings examine people as they worked and played, fought and loved, lived and died.


Highslide JS Savelle, Max. Seeds of liberty : the genesis of the American mind / M. Savelle. - 1st ed. - New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 1948. - XIX, 587, XXXI p. : phot.

This book was writing, primarily, for the average American citizen. It is an attempt to answer, in a broad and tentative way, the question of what was the origin of the American way of life, and when, why, and how the first pattern of American culture took the form and the design that it did. It seeks to draw together, in one integrated whole, the major threads and motifs that appeared in the tapestry of early American thought. And as the spectrum runs through all the colors, from infra-red to ultra-violet, and yet is one, so, too, may the earliest American mind be described as containing many shades of opinion and ideas, from those of the most rabid Tory Anglophile to those of the most libertarian radical, shading one into another to from one complex but growing unity.


Highslide JS The social fabric : American life from the Civil War to the present / ed. by J. H. Cary . - 5th ed. - Glenview [etc.] : Scott, Foresman and Company, 1987. - 346 p. : ill.

This book is a collection of excellent articles about the real life experience of ordinary people in the US up to the Civil War. It includes informationa about: women, Blacks, Working People, Soldiers, Immigrants, Utopian Communities, Salem's Witchcraft Scare and more. Perfect for a student needing informantion for a term paper, and fun to read if you are interested in such subjects.


Религия в США

Роль религии в США - это, пожалуй, наиболее непонятный аспект их культуры, за что американцев часто обвиняют в безбожии. Хотя это совсем не так, религиозность в этой стране дошла до предела. Жители США постоянно посещают церковь, американские политики цитируют Писание и часто говорят о Боге, в отличие от европейских.

Это государство, в которой каждый может найти свою веру и религию, где религии разных стран и народов живут бок о бок, где царит толерантность и понимание.

На разных этапах, считают американцы, человеку может понадобиться разная форма религии. Жизнь – это духовный эксперимент, главное в котором не догматы, а вера.

Раздел «Религия в США» представлен только 2 книгами, но они не оставят вас равнодушными, так как тема религии органично переплетена с историей страны и жизнью американцев, которых многие считают самой религиозной нацией.

Highslide JS Marshall, Peter. From sea to shining sea : [God's plan for America unfolds] / P. Marshall, D. Manuel. - Grand Rapids : Fleming H. Revell, 1986. - 444 p.

Does God really bless a nation that honors him? In From Sea to Shining Sea, Peter Marshall and David Manuel take us back to the post-revolutionary era to reveal how God did intervene on behalf of our struggling young nation. This fast-paced, absorbing narrative tells not only how America's divine plan became downgraded and its future threatened by greed, pride, and self-righteousness, but how in the midst of all this turmoil, God raised up the right men to shape the political structure and moral character that make America "God's country". In From Sea to Shining Sea history buffs are transported back to the post-revolutionary era to discover how God intervened on behalf of a struggling nation. This fast-paced, absorbing narrative and sequel to the bestselling The Light and the Glory covers that fragile time in America's history from 1787 to 1837 when a newborn nation faced challenges and overcame her growing pains by clinging to her Christian heritage.


Highslide JS Marshall, Peter. The light and the glory : [did God have a plan for America?] / P. Marshall, D. Manuel. - Grand Rapids : Fleming H. Revell, 1977. - 384 p.

Did Colombus believe that God called him west to undiscovered lands? Does American democracy owe its inception to the handful of Pilgrims that settled at Plumouth? If, indeed, there was a specific, divine call upon this nation, is it still valid today? The Light and the Glory answers these questions, and many, many more. As we look at our nation's history from God's point of view, we begin to have an idea of how much we owe a very few – and how much is still at stake.


Политика и политические деятели

Этот раздел привлечет внимание тех, кто интересуется биографией видных политических деятелей , экс президентов США и политикой в целом.

Штаты были и остаются геополитическим гигантом и важнейшим центром силы, определяющим глобальную повестку дня. Их интересы представлены буквально во всех уголках мира.

Внешнюю политику США отличает достаточно сильное желание оказывать наибольшее влияние на остальные страны, что поддерживает национальные интересы и укрепляет национальное достоинство государства.

Можно сказать, что национальная гордость США зашкаливает, но, в сущности, это не особенно влияет на другие страны, а служит для них примером.

Highslide JS Collier, Peter. The Kennedys : an American drama / P. Collier, D. Horowitz. - New York : Warner Books, 1985. - 725 p. : ill., 4 phot. - (Biography).

The Kennedys may well be the most photographed, written about, talked about, admired, hated, and controversial family in American history. But for all the words and pictures, the real story was not told until Peter Collier and David Horowitz spent years researching archives and interviewing both family members and hundreds of people close to the Kennedys. An immediate classic, "The Kennedys" combines intimate knowledge with a perspective free of obligations to family loyalties and myths, bringing the story of four generations of "America's family" fully into view. Collier and Horowitz capture the strain of ambition; the dynastic ebb and flow; the invention of a mythic identity; the corrosive underside of the dream of Camelot--developed over four generations--that led one young Kennedy to say, "We broke the rules and in turn we were broken by them." "The Kennedys: An American Drama" is a fascinating and brilliantly comprehensive history that brings together, for the first time, all the complex strains of the story of the Kennedys' rise and fall. The authors have added new material showing the effect of the death of John F. Kennedy Jr., and the other family tragedies of the last few years, on the Kennedys and their mythic role in American life.


Highslide JS Ellis, Joseph J. American Sphinx : The Character of Thomas Jefferson / J.J. Ellis. - New York : Vintage Books, 1998. Index: p. 423-440

For the historian Joseph J. Ellis, the experience of writing about Jefferson was "as if a pathologist, just about to begin an autopsy, has discovered that the body on the operating table was still breathing." In American Sphinx, Ellis sifts the facts shrewdly from the legends and the rumors, treading a path between vilification and hero worship in order to formulate a plausible portrait of the man who still today "hover[s] over the political scene like one of those dirigibles cruising above a crowded football stadium, flashing words of inspiration to both teams." For, at the grass roots, Jefferson is no longer liberal or conservative, agrarian or industrialist, pro- or anti-slavery, privileged or populist. He is all things to all people. His own obliviousness to incompatible convictions within himself (which left him deaf to most forms of irony) has leaked out into the world at large a world determined to idolize him despite his foibles.


Highslide JS Gitelson, Alan R. American government / A. R. Gitelson, R. L. Dudley, M. J. Dubnick. - 2nd ed. - Boston [etc.] : Houghton Mifflin Company, 1991. - xix, 458, A-81 p. : phot.

Distinguished by its myth vs. reality framework, American Government encourages students to confront their preconceptions about American government and to think critically about the U.S. political system. Up-to-date coverage includes the media, public opinion, the Supreme Court, domestic and international policy, education and environmental policies, and economic and social welfare.


Highslide JS Griffith, Ernest. The American System of Government / E. S. Griffith. - London : Methuen and CO.LTD, 1966. - 179 p. - (University Paperbacks. 129).

Professor Griffith, of the American University, Washinton, provides in this book a brilliant and penetrating analysis of the mysteries of American Government, in terms understandable to British readers. The work is full of striking parallels with and contrasts to our own parliamentary system. It deals in turn with the written constitution, state and federal relations, Congress, the Presidency, the executive, defence, the judiciary and local government, as well as with other important aspects. This edition has been completely re-edited and reset.


Highslide JS Johnson, Mary. Elements of time : holocaust testimonies / M. Johnson, M. S. Strom. - Brookline : FHAO, 1989. - 402 p. : ill.

If you can have a hundred books in the world today that are all devoted to teaching that the Holocaust did not happen, imagine the seeds that can fall on unsuspecting minds. That has to be countered by the full-court press of teaching history as it happened... Unless we keep hammering home the irrefutable and indisputable facts of the human experience, history as it was experienced by people, we are going to find ourselves increasingly unable to draw distinctions between what was and what we think was.


Highslide JS Kegley, Charles W. American foreign policy : pattern and process / Ch. W. Kegley, E. R. Wittkopf. - 3rd ed. - New York : St. Martin`s Press, 1987. - 681 p. : ill.

AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY has been thoroughly revised and updated to include several completely new sections, reflecting the most recent developments and scholarship related to American foreign policy. As in past editions, the Third Edition retains the book's proven and pedagogically valuable analytical framework. Harnessing the conceptual, theoretical, and historical components that facilitate an analysis of American foreign policy, this text maintains five sources-international, societal, governmental, role, and individual-that collectively influence decisions about foreign policy goals, and the means chosen to realize them. Offering readers extraordinary breadth, thoughtful discussion, and in-depth of coverage of past, present, and future American foreign policy, AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY will equip readers with a solid and well-informed


Highslide JS LaFeber, Walter. The American age : United States foreign policy at home and abroad since 1750 / W. La Feber. - 1st. ed. - New York : W. W. Norton & Company, 1989. - 759 p. : ill.

In this leading text, Walter LaFeber offers a comprehensive history of American foreign relations from the mid-eighteenth century to the present. His narrative account features several major themes: the connections between U.S. foreign policy and domestic politics; the impact of American economic development on foreign policy interests; popular culture, particularly film, as a filter for public opinion on American commitments abroad; the roles of public opinion, leadership, and bureaucracy in the formation of policy.


Highslide JS North, Oliver L. Under Fire : An American Story / O. L. North, W. Novak. - New York : HarperCollins Publishers : Zondervan, 1991. - XVI, 446 p., [20] b. Ill.

This autobiography of Lt. Colonel Oliver North covers his childhood, his military career-including Vietnam, his troubled marriage, near nervous breakdown and his own version of the events that became known as Iran-Contra. He told the story, obviously from his point of view, but it was extremely believable. He was so candid about what he did wrong as well as what he did right. For anyone wanting to know the inside story, this book is great. It also has some awesome detail on Oliver's Vietnam experience. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in this era in American history.


Highslide JS Obama, Barack. The Audacity of Hope : Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream / B. Obama. - New York : Three Rivers Press, 2006. - 375 p.

The Audacity of Hope is Barack Obama's call for a new kind of politics—a politics that builds upon those shared understandings that pull us together as Americans. Lucid in his vision of America's place in the world, refreshingly candid about his family life and his time in the Senate, Obama here sets out his political convictions and inspires us to trust in the dogged optimism that has long defined us and that is our best hope going forward.


Highslide JS Ogg, Frederic A. Introduction to American government : the national government / F. A. Ogg, P. O. Ray. - 7th ed., thoroughly rev. - New York [etc.] : D. Appleton-Century Company, 1938. - 739 p.

We are undertaking in this book an analysis and interpretation of the American system of government. It will be helpful, however, before turning directly to our subject, to call to mind a few basic aspects of government viewed on its broader horizons, and of the world-wide environment of clashing ideas, technological changes, emerging social concepts, and expanding economic interests amidst which all government in these days must exist and operate.


Highslide JS Tocqueville, Alexis de. Democracy in America : specially edited and abridged for the modern reader / A. de Tocqueville; ed. by R. D. Heffner. - New York : A Mentor Book, 1984. - 317 p.

Alexis de Tocqueville looks at the United States and examines its political, social, and cultural intricacies in DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA AND TWO ESSAYS ON AMERICA. This edition of DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA is well introduced and translated by Gerald Bevan and Isaac Kramnick. This is not a basic travelogue of a French aristocrat -Intellect - statesman's journey through the American wilderness in a span of nine months, but it is a significant documentary that compares and contrasts European Aristocracy to American Democracy. At the time that Tocqueville wrote DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA, both Europe and the United States experienced an enormous shift in its political and social structure. On the US side, several events occurred, Andrew Jackson was president, the Anti-Slavery movement, Indian Removal commenced, immigration was on the rise, and the industrial age was emerging; for the French and European side, the Revolution of 1830 and autocracy took precedence as well as a radical shake-up of the social class. Possibly, for Tocqueville his travels to the United States served as a respite from France's revolutionary tendencies, and the opportunity to observe US history in the making. In terms of chronology, 55 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence and 30 years before the Civil War. In essence, Tocqueville's accounts bear much significance to how the United States progressed, and where it was headed.


Highslide JS White House : an historic guide / White House Historical Association, The National Geographic Society. - 19-th edition. - Washington, D. C. : White House Historical Association, 1995. - 159 p. : ill.

Since 1962, the celebrated spaces and rich history of the President's House have been portrayed in this continually updated guidebook. This edition with a new design, updated text, and new photography. The State Floor, Ground Floor, Second Floor, and West Wing are presented with richly illustrated historical text. For the first time, the guide offers a walking tour of the exterior, with a key to its architectural elements and grounds. Now visitors viewing the White House from the streets of Washington, D.C.‚ and armchair tourists at home‚ can experience an intimate tour of the house.


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