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Marshall, Peter. The light and the glory : [did God have a plan for America?] / P. Marshall, D. Manuel. — Grand Rapids : Fleming H. Revell, 1977. — 384 p. — Bibliography: p. 371-378. — ISBN 0-8007-0886-5. — ISBN 0-8007-5054-3.

Did Colombus believe that God called him west to undiscovered lands? Does American democracy owe its inception to the handful of Pilgrims that settled at Plumouth? If, indeed, there was a specific, divine call upon this nation, is it still valid today? The Light and the Glory answers these questions, and many, many more. As we look at our nation's history from God's point of view, we begin to have an idea of how much we owe a very few – and how much is still at stake.

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