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Электронный каталог

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Chesterton, Cecil. A history of the United States / C. Chesterton ; edited, with introduction and notes. by D. W. Brogan. — London ; New York : J. M. Dent & Sons LTD. : E. P. Dutton & CO. INC., 1943. — 358, 4 р. — (Everyman's Library. 965). — Библиогр.: с. 351-358.

Mr. Chesterton writes a wonderful account of the Country of the United States for those of us who would read and then reread his work here. So much information and wonderfully presented. I interject here to attest to the content and presentation commented on by others. This is History at it's best. Mr Chesterton has interjected his own opinions and experience as an accomplished historian and it is every enhanced by his views. A great accomplishment. Not just another book of events and dates, but rather an interesting read about the lives of people and why events occurred the way they did.

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