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An American Portrait : [A History of the United States. Vol. 2] / D. Burner [и др.]. — New Jersey : Perspectives and Revisionary Press, 1982. — [64], 295-707, [12] p. : ill. — Index: p. 1-12. — ISBN 09603-72603.

Textbooks have led generations of students into the comfortable illusion that a single history book can summarize the nation's past. As historians know, it is impossible to resurrect the past exactly. In the reconstruction of events we rely on written records, along with some art objects and physical remains. Yet few occurrences are even recorded in writing. Many documents, moreover, are lost, and the historian can never be certain of having seen every manuscript; or bias, of the person who wrote it the time in which it was written. To these documents the historian brings his or her own bias.

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