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Ellis, Joseph J. American Sphinx : The Character of Thomas Jefferson / J.J. Ellis. — New York : Vintage Books, 1998. — 440 p. — Index: p. 423-440. — ISBN 0-679-76441-0. — ISBN 0-679-44490-4.

For the historian Joseph J. Ellis, the experience of writing about Jefferson was "as if a pathologist, just about to begin an autopsy, has discovered that the body on the operating table was still breathing." In American Sphinx, Ellis sifts the facts shrewdly from the legends and the rumors, treading a path between vilification and hero worship in order to formulate a plausible portrait of the man who still today "hover[s] over the political scene like one of those dirigibles cruising above a crowded football stadium, flashing words of inspiration to both teams." For, at the grass roots, Jefferson is no longer liberal or conservative, agrarian or industrialist, pro- or anti-slavery, privileged or populist. He is all things to all people. His own obliviousness to incompatible convictions within himself (which left him deaf to most forms of irony) has leaked out into the world at large a world determined to idolize him despite his foibles.

— — 1. Джефферсон (Jefferson), Томас (американский просветитель, 3-й президент США (1801-1809), государственный секретарь (1790-1793), вице-президент (1797-1801).) , 1743 - 1826. 2. история США. 3. президенты США. 4. 18 век 2 пол.-19 век нач. 5. государственные деятели. 6. политические деятели. 7. биографии. 8. английский язык.
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